Regenerative farming is based on the philosophy that a naturally healthy soil will provide everything a plant needs to flourish and provide maximum taste and nutrition. Our role as farmers is to support the soil food web to do what it does best.

Protect and nurture the soil food web

  • No till, no spray. What does it mean?

    Not disturbing the soils' natural potency by tilling deeply or spraying with harmful chemicals, in turn protects and nurtures the delicate community of organisms in the soil food web. This allows the plant to extract the abundant nutrients and minerals to thrive and maximize taste and nutrition.

    Before we seed each vegetable crop we plant a particular cover crop who's only purpose is to grow to feed the soil. At the appropriate time these cover crops are covered and terminated so that they can decompose and replenish the soil with the vital nutrients needed to nurture our crops.

    Once this decomposition reaches its peak we are ready to mulch and seed our vegetable beds. Sunlight and water are the only things added after that. Our happy healthy soil does the rest.

  • Healthy soil. Higher Nutrition, Better flavour

    It all begins with nurturing the soils natural ability to provide outstanding nutrition and flavour. If the soil food web is provided with the elements it needs, it will respond by growing vital plants. Vital plants will in turn provide maximum flavour and nutrition, all without chemical interference or soil depletion. Better food for better health. Better, sustainable farming practice, better for the environment.

“I know that if I provide my produce the best soil possible it will in return provide the best taste and nutrition possible.”